Experiential Courses

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (2-3)

  • Arbitration (2-3)

  • Introduction to Representing Clients (2)

  • Intro to Mediation (2-3)

  • Representation in Mediation (1-2)

  • Negotiation (2-3)

  • Negotiation in Criminal Practice (2)

  • Trial Practice (2-3)

  • Advanced Trial Practice (2)

  • Visual Persuasion and the Law (3)


  • Mediation Externship

  • Judicial Externship

  • Mediation Clinic

  • Negotiation Clinic

All Other Courses

  • Federal Courts (3)

  • Federal Income Taxation (4)

  • International Litigation in U.S. Courts (3)

  • Juvenile Law (2-3)

  • Advanced Juvenile Law (2-3)

  • Labor Law (3)

  • Moot Court (1-3)

  • Poverty Law (2)

  • Remedies (3)

  • Tax Procedure – Civil (2)

  • Therapeutic Jurisprudence

  • Administrative Law (3)

  • Advanced Civil Procedure (2-3)

  • Advanced Torts: Medical Malpractice Litigation (2-3)

  • Business Planning (2-3)

  • Conflict of Laws (3)

  • Criminal Procedure, The Adjudicative Process (3)

  • Divorce and the Divorcing Family (2)

  • Employment Law (3)

  • Ethics and the Criminal Justice System (2-3)

  • Family Law (2-3)

  • Advanced Family Law (2-3)