40-Hour Mediation training
Registration for the spring 2025 is full. The waitlist is open. Typically we are able to take a few people off the waitlist. Please register for the waitlist to prioritize your spot using the link below. The dates are March 27 & 28 on Zoom and April 3 & 4 at the Law School.
We will be scheduling the fall 2025 session and opening the registration by early 2025.
40-Hour Mediation Certificate Program
Spring 2025 - Two Days on Zoom and Two Days on Campus
Eight hours of asynchronous self-paced work on line and then March 27-28 on Zoom and April 3-4 at the Law School.
“The pre-work was very helpful in understanding the process.”
“Can I say I was anxious about this?? I found it to be SO much fun and a true learning exercise.”
“I wish I had taken this course years ago.”
“I have learned so much in such a short time. It was like a really good law school course on steroids. I really enjoyed it. …. I enjoyed both instructors - you both were very kind and gave us room to learn from our mistakes and to make mistakes which I found very helpful. Overall it was an amazing learning experience.”
Through this training you will gain a deeper understanding of mediation as a way to resolve disputes in commercial and business affairs, divorce and child custody cases, employment relationships, workplace, union-management contracts, environmental matters, health care issues and other areas.
In the past we have offered this 40-hour training over five days. In the new format participants will engage in 8 hours of online advance work. The online work will include several assessments and preparation for the in-person sessions. This can be completed asynchronously at your convenience in the two weeks prior to the start of the training.
Our mediation training is designed for lawyers and non-lawyers alike and is led by experienced mediators and trainers, William Logue and Loraine Della Porta. This training is focused around experiential learning; each participant will have many opportunities to apply and practice mediation skills and receive feedback.
During the session we will address the following topics:
The principles of mediation
The role of the mediator, parties and lawyers
Confidentiality and ethical codes of conduct for mediators
Cognitive biases that impact decision making
Power dynamics
Participants will gain the following skills:
Preparing for and starting the mediation
Active listening through reframing, reflecting back, summarizing and paraphrasing
Various forms of questions
Managing emotions
Identifying interests and generating options
Reality testing, working through impasse and reaching agreement
At the conclusion of the training you will have a better understanding of how to design and provide mediation services in a variety of settings.
Eligible for Social Work CEUs. The Quinnipiac MSW Program is an approved provider of Continuing Education activities for Social Work Licensure in the State of Connecticut as provided for in the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 20-195o(c)-3. The Quinnipiac MSW Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
New York State Unified Court System Part 146. The training is approved under Part 146 by the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of ADR Programs. See below*
Program Cost & Registration
Early Registration - $1500 - open until about three weeks prior to a sesion
Regular Registration - $1750
Click on the link above to register. You will have two payment options: 1) paying in full by credit/debit card or 2) placing a $250 non-refundable deposit by debit/credit card and being invoiced for the difference due 30 days before the start of the training, Please note that if you choose to be invoiced your space cannot be guaranteed until final payment is received. Please review our cancellation policy.
For more information, please contact Bill Logue at the Quinnipiac Center on Dispute Resolution, 860-521-9122, or email centerdisres@quinnipiac.edu.
* NYS Court Part 146. The training is pending approval for 24 hour basic mediation training under Part 146 by the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of ADR Programs. Please note:
Final placement on any court roster is at the discretion of the local Administrative Judge.
Participation in a course that is either approved or pending approval does not guarantee placement on a local court roster.
Some courts may require additional training and experience beyond Part 146’s requirements.
Acceptance on court rosters depends on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience.